Hi sweet strawberries, it's been so long I post nothing on my blog. I really missing you guys.
Anyway, I want to say Happy birthday to my belove bestfriend, Prita N. A. . Soooo sorry for the very late greeting. :)
I didnt mean that. Hehe
Well, These two days are a very busy days. I have many events this month, especially this week. ESA Carnival and Elementary School Trip. Yet I enjoy them all.
On ESA Carnival, my class won many competition. They are sing and retelling song competition by Ale, girls futsal competition by firdha milla risca ima cincha eci wawa etc, wall magazine competition by wallmagz committe, scrabble competition by ian, best costume and best supporter. The last two are the best champion that we ever got because we won it continually in this three years. It's a well done!
And these are the photos....