Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Day 3 #30DaysKKM

Hello sweet strawberries, this is our third day of KKM in this village. I am so exciting.

Today our agenda has not started yet. We just cleaned up the Balai Desa, a place where we stay. Our leader found a little snake in a pool in front yard. He took it into the bottle thereafter.

For our lunch, me and the treasurer went to a shop of the villager to buy some vegies and stuffs. We got tahu and kangkung only. Then we made it as tumis kangkung with tofu. Then one of my friend came after a day of permission not attending KKM. She was accompanied by her mom and dad. She also brought us some meals and fries and other things like soap, margarine, and etc.

Then after we got some bamboos from Pak Lurah, then we reconstruct the jemuran and made it better.

At night we did maghrib prayer together and then read koran surah Yaasin. After that we did a meeting to revise what we had and had not done yet in that day.

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Day 2 #30DaysKKM

Hello sweet strawberries, this is our second day of KKM in this village.
Me and my friends went shopping for our meal this day. Two of us went uptown for sending proposal of financial join forces. The leader and the treaseurer bought some of equipments for our needs.

While shopping, me and my friends did some meet and greet with other citizen to socialize with them. They were very humble and gave us warm greeting when we meet them. They helped us with everything that we need like lending the tools such a chopper, harmer and so on.

We made something to put the clothes after washed to become dryer or we call it jemuran from bamboos.

Rain went down and stopped us for a while and then we decided to have a lunch. The member was not complete as usual. There are no lena, panji, olan, uwi, putra and poppy. So we ate without them.

The rain came and saturated the earth. All the clothes became wet thereafter. Then we stopped everything until the rain over.
We cleaned everythings up after the rain. The leader and the treasurer came with wet and dirty clothes because of the rain.

Then we did Magrib prayer together with the leader as the imaam of shalat and the females as the mukminin. And the female who did not pray was preparing the rice with the rice coocker.

The boys put some net to the ventilation to prevent the mosquitos and some other flies to come in the room, because the room is used by the females to sleep. While the females preparing the meals for our dinner. Actually we eat together and made the meal by those who responsible to do that in that day, but at that night everyone coocked themselves so they could eat what they want.

This is the photos of us in this day. Enjoy :)

Monday, July 1, 2013

Day 1 #30DaysKKM

Hello sweet strawberries, how is your days today?

Well, as I am a sixth semester college student in my university, I am eligible to take KKM subject. KKM itself stands for Kuliah Kerja Mahasiswa (Students field study). I got a chance to be one of 62 group member. This group consist of 19 members, but then one of us change her group to another group, I dont know why. So now this group have 18 members, 12 female and 6 males. And me was chosen as the public relation of the group.

Then we get an opportunity in a village named Mander still in Serang Residence, my hometown. This place is located in kecamatan Bandung. It takes 2 hours journey from Pamarayan and 1 hour if we pass the way from Tambak.

This is the first day of us in this place. We enjoyed the journey and the society. They are so awesome. They treated us well. And we hope we can feel like we are in home, here.

There were not any specifict agenda in the first day. We just dropped our stuffs and needs and enjoyed the day.

And here are the photographs when we have a meeting in the day abd night, lunch, dinner, read Al Quran and watching television before sleep.
Enjoy, and good night :-)